A Guide for Staff on
Student Representation
The Student Rep system is run as a partnership between Hartpury and the Students' Union. This guide contains the information you need to know about Student Reps in one handy place.
Student Reps
The primary role of a Student Rep is to ensure that they effectively collate and communicate the views of the students they represent, and ensure they communicate the outcomes of this process back to their peers.
University Reps are expected to attend meetings at programme level to discuss local course issues with their tutors and programme leaders. At the first Programme Committee Meeting, a Department Rep should be elected to attend the Department Meetings.
College Reps will attend academic feedback meetings, run by the Deputy Principal.
All Reps also attend SU Forums, chaired by the SU Representation Officer. This is where Reps come together to discuss matters outside of the learning experience e.g. campus facilities, study spaces, car parking, accommodation, catering, leisure and entertainment opportunities.
The SU also host a range of focus groups throughout the year and during the first SU Forum we elect a number of reps to sit on additional committees, as well as a Deputy Rep of the SU forums (supports in chairing meetings, taking minutes and distributing feedback).

Support from the SU
​Rep recruitment
The Students’ Union promotes Student Reps though Induction Talks, the Freshers’ Fair and the enrolment stand. This promotion includes what the role is, what it entails, the benefits of being a Student Rep and how to get involved. We also use our website and social media to raise awareness. If students are interested we ask them to contact their tutor.
University - We aim to recruit ONE Rep per course, per year. Foundation years have TWO reps per department, per year. Placement students are supported by our Guidance Officer (there will be no 'reps' for this group).
College - The staff recruit at least one rep per department.
Training and ongoing support​
We provide training to all Student Reps once they are all registered on our rep database (usually in October). This includes information about their role, expectations, meeting structure, time commitments, key skills and extra opportunities. Throughout the year we offer help and support for reps; this may be answering queries and helping with specific issues they are facing.
Rewards and certificates
All Reps will receive SU merch when they complete their training. Attendance at SU forums and academic meetings / programme meetings / department meetings is expected. For additional focus groups, we provide a voucher as thank you for attending.
The Students’ Union hosts an annual Student Allocation Recognition (StAR) Awards evening in May. We have a ‘Student Rep of the Year’ award for the Rep that the Representation Officer believes has gone above and beyond in their role throughout the year.
Support from Hartpury
Rep recruitment
It is important that each tutor promotes the Student Rep positions available, to support us in reaching as many students as possible. Please use the resources provided here to help you promote the role.
Elect the Student Reps
This should take place during our 'big rep recruitment week' at the start of term. We recommend tutors promote the role in their first tutorial session, then utilise the tutorial session in the rep recruitment week to encourage students to put themselves forward. The process should be democratic, so if more than one student put themselves forward, you should give each student the opportunity to address their cohort and explain why they would like to be the rep (we recommend a couple of minutes each). They would then leave the room and are elected in by a show of hands.
Once the new Reps are identified, we need you to ask them to complete our Rep database survey and we contact them from there for training etc. You can find the sign-up form here.
Facilitate course level meetings​
Hartpury is responsible for organising the academic-focussed meetings ('Programme Committee Meetings' for university reps / 'Academic Meetings' for college reps) to which all the Reps should be invited. The university also facilitate Departmental meetings for those reps elected for the role during Programme meetings.
Reps who sit on other committees and forums will be invited to those meetings by the relevant officer.

Supporting your Student Rep
Student Reps can only be representative if they are given the opportunity to collect and provide feedback. Ensuring that students have the ability to do this is of the utmost importance. This can be done by:
Allowing them to introduce themselves during tutor time at the start of the year.
Going through the Rep Agreement with them. The Rep Agreement explains what we expect and what they can, in return, expect from us.
Giving the Student Rep 5-10 minutes at the start of a lecture/seminar/tutorial to ask for feedback.
Encourage students to talk to their Reps.
Sending an email on the Rep's behalf asking for feedback about the course/module/programme.
Encourage the students to set up a chat where they can invite other cohort members to feedback.
Ensuring Reps can see the agenda before any meetings to give them time to gather feedback and check with the Programme Leader if they don’t understand any items.
Check when the best time for meetings is – the biggest reported reason for non-attendance is due to commitment clashes.
Encourage Reps to email feedback if they can’t attend a meeting – this is covered in their training and handbook too.
If you still don’t feel the student is being representative, please pass their name to the Students’ Union (studentsunion@hartpury.ac.uk) and we can offer them extra training and support. Please also contact us if you have concerns about a Student Rep’s conduct.